
Martin Zinaich
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DirectDefense vs Carbon Black

Attacks come from many angles in the Information Security game. To wit, a spat between two security vendors – Carbon Black and DirectDefense. DirectDefense released a report on Carbon Black’s Cb Response product. In a report titled “Harvesting Cb Response Data Leaks for fun and profit,” DirectDefense uncovered some disturbing data leakage.
Martin Zinaich | 10/8/2017

When Scanners Attack

When scanners attack, it just makes you WannaCry. So we had WannaCry, DoublePulsar, Petya – the whole EternalBlue exploit release. EternalBlue exploits a vulnerability in Microsoft’s implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol. The vulnerability exists because the SMB version 1 (SMBv1) server in various versions of Microsoft Windows accepts specially crafted packets from remote attackers, allowing them to execute arbitrary code on the target computer.
Martin Zinaich | 30/7/2017

Injunction of Technology (IoT)

Soon coming to the Internet of Things (IoT) is the Injunction of Technology (IoT). In another post I
noted that my WiFi router’s power brick had a UL certification, yet the actual WiFi router had nothing similar stating it was safe to use on the Internet. In addition, nothing to ensure it would not hurt other’s use of the Internet.
Martin Zinaich | 16/4/2017

How Vendors Empower Weak Security

I wrote about this before in a post called “Big Things and Small Things”. I documented how two very large companies failed to support Information Security in a corporate environment with even a basic level of accommodation. More came to light this week when reviewing Microsoft Exchange 2016...
Martin Zinaich | 6/2/2017
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All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.
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