
Martin Zinaich
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Microsoft Back to Basics

Following on to Kevin Townsend’s post Windows 10 makes Google look like it still does no evil(love that title) – there is much in Win10 to be concerned about; some of which has already made its way into Win7.
Martin Zinaich | 6/8/2015

Windows 10, I got it – I don’t get it

When Windows 8 came out, I was stunned that anyone on a development team could think removing the Start menu was a good idea. In addition, closing a new Tile/Modern/Metro App on a 27-inch monitor no longer required that painful gesture of clicking on a X. Now you could simply click on some nether region at the top of a borderless window, hold down the left mouse button and with great force try to simulate throwing the window down to the ground. Removing that X also cleared up some much-needed space on that 27-inch monitor, a “Win-Win”!
Martin Zinaich | 1/8/2015
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