
Martin Zinaich
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RDP Revelation Redux

There is a Windows setting that if unchecked could expose corporate RDP, even if your firewall is blocking all 3389 ports. Not only could numerous RDP ports be exposed, they will be invisible to your Cybersecurity perimeter protections.
Martin Zinaich | 11/11/2021

The Office 365 “Trust Us” Model

Based on Office 365 proliferations and its Optimize category requirement; O365 may just be the next-best hacker playground. Imagine knowing that by exploiting one cloud location you may have a much lower bar (or none at all) accessing many corporations.
Martin Zinaich | 6/9/2019

Putting FUD Back in Information Security

FUD is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. A tactic well played in the early days of Information Security. I never liked it because… well you know that Boy Who Cried Wolf story, right? It appears to me that FUD is making a strong comeback. This time instead of being used to help bolster InfoSec budgets or sell a product, it is being used to shape political opinion.
Martin Zinaich | 7/5/2018

Information Security and the Zero-Sum Game

A zero-sum game is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant. In Information Security a zero-sum game usually references the trade-off between being secure and having privacy.
Martin Zinaich | 1/4/2018


In an earlier post, I talked about how some vendors tend to push enterprises into a weaker security posture. In this post, I continue with information relating to Office 365. Microsoft’s cloud implementation of the Office suite is mind boggling in its complexity and sheer want of native connectivity.
Martin Zinaich | 10/1/2018

Credit Due Where Credit Deserved - Microsoft

In the past, I have criticized Microsoft for the privacy invasive defaults of Win10. I failed to mention a feature that sheds a bit of light on what they collect. Beyond changing many of the settings using tools (which I highlighted here), you can actually review and delete some of the metadata being collected. If you are not already aware of this feature… read on.
Martin Zinaich | 21/12/2017
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All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.
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