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Martin Zinaich
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Food for Thought

A police officer friend and I had lunch the other day. We started talking careers - he will be retiring soon, I will not. I let him know I almost applied to be a State Trooper when I was in college. They were looking for men my height (who knows if they can still do such a thing).
Martin Zinaich | 23/8/2015

Woefully Unprepared, but Full Steam Ahead!

I have called for a professionalizing of the Information Security field. And please know that professionalizing does not equate to governmental control, but possibly oversight. One major reason I believe this is needed is simply that Information Security has failed to become inculcated into the business proper. It is usually a subcomponent of IT and thought of as a technology only issue.
Martin Zinaich | 15/8/2015

Microsoft Back to Basics

Following on to Kevin Townsend’s post Windows 10 makes Google look like it still does no evil(love that title) – there is much in Win10 to be concerned about; some of which has already made its way into Win7.
Martin Zinaich | 6/8/2015

Windows 10, I got it – I don’t get it

When Windows 8 came out, I was stunned that anyone on a development team could think removing the Start menu was a good idea. In addition, closing a new Tile/Modern/Metro App on a 27-inch monitor no longer required that painful gesture of clicking on a X. Now you could simply click on some nether region at the top of a borderless window, hold down the left mouse button and with great force try to simulate throwing the window down to the ground. Removing that X also cleared up some much-needed space on that 27-inch monitor, a “Win-Win”!
Martin Zinaich | 1/8/2015

Falling into the PIT

Technology is a wonderful thing, but it is not private. Some recent great posts on regarding Ad Blocking and online tracking combined with a hot new topic in the States called V2V, made me ponder technology from the privacy aspect. If we think there is any privacy left with technology, we are really just hoodwinking ourselves. Let me start with V2V and then circle back to this online tracking and privacy.
Martin Zinaich | 26/7/2015

The Darker side of Darkode

Information about a Cyber Criminal Forum Take Down was recently released on the FBI website. The website Darkode was an Amazon for some of the world’s most high-volume cyber criminals. Not as pretty of course, just a general forum selling Rats’ (Remote Access Tools), Botnets, Credit Card Information, and the general sharing of information on how to be a better person.
Martin Zinaich | 19/7/2015
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All views expressed on this site are my own and do not represent the opinions of any entity whatsoever with which I have been, am now, or will be affiliated.
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